Admission to Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall is free of charge.
Dávid Varga Quintet:
We would like, even during this extraordinary situation, for the Müpa Budapest audience to still be able to encounter the world's most outstanding and thrilling artists each evening - this time in their own homes. It is precisely for this reason that we will open Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall and auditoriums - each night at the familiar times - by providing access to a single unforgettable performance from past years.
The performance will be broadcasted on our website and YouTube channel.
Dávid Varga's band strives to evoke the original atmosphere of swing. Their role models are Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Michael Bublé. They offer their audience a taste of the repertoires of these three singers. Varga graduated from the Liszt Academy with a degree in jazz voice. He has sung in concerts by Quincy Jones, Bobby McFerrin and Bálint Gájer.
Kálmán Oláh Jr is a student in the jazz saxophone course at the Liszt Academy, where he is studying under Mihály Borbély and István Elek. He has achieved outstanding results in several competitions in Hungary, including the Budapest Jazz Competition, the National Saxophone Competition and the Second Gyula Csepregi Memorial Competition. Together with his older brother and father, he has taken the stage at numerous venues, including the Liszt Academy's Solti Hall, Müpa Budapest's Festival Theatre and Béla Bartók National Concert Hall - joined at the latter two concerts by Rick Margitza and John Patitucci, respectively. Zsolt Farkas is a student in the jazz piano course at the Liszt Academy. He has played in concerts for audiences in several countries alongside such well-known performers as Ferenc Snétberger, Josh Gingsburg, Elemér Balázs, Nikoletta Szőke and Tony Lakatos. Adrián Szajkó graduated from the music academy in the Slovakian city of Selmecbánya (Banská Štiavnica). He has worked together with a number of famous jazz musicians, including Ferenc Snétberger, Gábor Winand and Béla Szakcsi Lakatos Jr. András Márkos graduated from the Liszt Academy with a degree in jazz percussion and has played together with such artists as Béla Szakcsi Lakatos Jr, János Egri and Gábor Winand.
Recording date: 17 January 2021
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

Vigyázz, kész, rajt: pénteken startol a Jazz Showcase!
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