Liszt: The Legend of St Elizabeth
09-Oct-2024 | 7 pm
Liszt: The Legend of St Elizabeth
Müpa Budapest

In 1880, Brahms received an honorary doctorate from the University of Breslau. To show his gratitude, he composed the Academic Festival Overture, a work based on songs for students. The Violin Concerto (1878) too has personal influences behind it: the composer wrote this work for his closest friend, Joseph Joachim, whose Hungarian identity is alluded to by the rhythmic theme of the finale. This concert to kick off the season for the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra closes with one of Bartók’s finest works: Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta (1936). Taking the podium will be chief music director and recent Kossuth Prize-winner György Vashegyi, with the world-famous virtuoso Kristóf Baráti serving as soloist.

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