Admission to Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall is free of charge.
Bettika Quintet:
We would like, even during this extraordinary situation, for the Müpa Budapest audience to still be able to encounter the world's most outstanding and thrilling artists each evening - this time in their own homes. It is precisely for this reason that we will open Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall and auditoriums - each night at the familiar times - by providing access to a single unforgettable performance from past years.
The performance will be broadcasted on our website and YouTube channel.
Born in the town of Orosháza in 1995, singer and composer Bettika Bakos is a student in the jazz department at the Liszt Academy. She is engaged with improvisation, free music, theatre music and mantra-singing, and teaches and holds workshops in all these areas. Her ensemble, the Bettika Quintet, use elements of jazz, free improvisation, world music and contemporary poetry music in their compositions.
The better part of the band's programme consists of their own creative output, which makes room for quite a few musical settings of poems: the kind of music that is rooted in jazz and is coloured with jazz-poetry and spoken word elements whose rhythm and text is built around the works of such Hungarian poets as Dezső Tandori, Ede Tarbay, István Bella, István Csukás and Sándor Weöres. Their show will also include pieces that can be classified as world music, chiefly reworkings of Hungarian and Gypsy folk melodies, whose complex rhythms and sense of drama will fill their performance with exciting colours. Their own instrumental pieces, for their part, provide room for free improvisation and playing with musical boundaries.
Recording date: 17 January 2021
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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