New Orleans Swingfestival
26-28 August 2016
Swing, the pop music of jazz, first drove dancefloor devils into frenzy during the 1930s, and today it is once again as popular as it was then. In the United States, these pleasantly rolling melodies owe their unbelievable popularity to “The Golden Age of Radio”. It will be the eleventh time this year that the New Orleans Swingfestival will bring the cream of the swing-playing crop to Müpa Budapest at the end of August, to close out the summer with some smooth rhythms.
On the bill this year we have Group‘n’Swing, popular since last year’s Eurovision Song Contest preliminaries, Dixie Kings of Hungary & Enrico Tomasso, as well as Hungarian band PapaJazz and American saxophonist and ‘tárogató’ fan Scott Robinson treating audiences to evergreen swing melodies.