classical music, opera, theatre
Wagner: Das Rheingold
9 June 2022, Thursday
4 pm - 6:50 pm
Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
Produced by Müpa Budapest

Artistic director and conductor:

Ádám Fischer


Wotan Tomasz Konieczny (09.06.), Egils Silins (16.06.)
Donner Zsolt Haja
Froh Szabolcs Brickner
Loge Christian Franz
Fricka Atala Schöck
Mime Cornel Frey
Fasolt Sorin Coliban (09.06.), Krisztián Cser (16.06.)
Fafner Walter Fink
Alberich Jochen Schmeckenbecher
Freia Lilla Horti
Erda Nadine Weissmann
Woglinde Orsolya Sáfár
Wellgunde Gabriella Fodor
Flosshilde Zsófia Kálnay


Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
dancers Dóra Asztalos
Zoltán Csere
Gusztáv Eller
János Feledi
Laura Fehér
Anna Gulyás
István Horváth
Zoltán Katonka
Krisztián Kelemen
Brigitta Tóth
Milán Újvári
Gábor Vida
Vencel Vida
child dancer Milos Katonka (09.06.), Vencel Vida (16.06.)


Set designer, director Hartmut Schörghofer
Dramaturg Christian Martin Fuchs †, Dr. Christian Baier
Costume and puppet designer Corinna Crome
head of lighting Máté Vajda
video Szupermodern Filmstúdió Budapest
First assistant director Etelka Polgár
Choreography Gábor Vida
Assistant to the choreographer Dóra Asztalos
Deputy conductor János Kovács
Musical assistants László Bartal
Gábor Bartinai
Dóra Bizják
Brigitta Kovács
Siegmund Weinmeister

The year 2022 will mark the 14th anniversary of the first occasion when Wagner's complete Ring cycle was performed in its entirety at Müpa Budapest, and now the audience, already familiar with the revised version of Hartmut Schörghofer's legendary production, will get to see it again. The story of the Ring of the Nibelung is one of humanity's greatest artistic works, a monumental achievement that can be likened to the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, the Divine Comedy or Joseph and His Brothers: we owe it to ourselves to delve into it from time to time.

Das Rheingold is the introduction to the storyline, depicting the central conflict. Starting from a primeval state of peace, the opera shows how the original sin was committed, triggering a chain of events that eventually lead to complete annihilation. One senses that the myth is not really about gods, giants and dwarfs, but rather about ourselves: the playful and frightening tale depicts not a world that never existed, but rather the one we live in. Ádám Fischer's concept is for the "most important objective of the Budapest Wagner Days festival to develop a performance style that is in line with Wagner's original ideas. The most important thing for him were dramatic expression and intense enunciation: it was not singing in the traditional sense of the word that he demanded of his performers on stage, but rather sprechgesang, meaning sung speech. With this vocal style and the concept of the gesamtkunstwerk, the unity in total art of the text, the music and the action on stage, he created a new genre. We endeavour to make our performances fulfil Wagner's vision to the greatest degree possible." Featured in this year's Das Rheingold will be two wonderful bass-baritones - Poland's Tomasz Konieczny and, in the second cast, the Latvian Egils Silins - portraying Wotan, old favourite Christian Franz as Loge and Jochen Schmeckenbecher, Walter Fink and Sorin Coliban or Krisztián Cser in the roles of Alberich, Fafner and Fasolt, respectively.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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Müpa Budapest can be accessed by car from Soroksári út, Könyves Kálmán körút and Rákóczi Bridge.

Using public transport by the trams 1, 2, 24, by the busses 54 and 15 and by the HÉV - suburban railway H7.

Opening hours, events

1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1. | +36 1 555 3000 Opening hours | Map


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