The curiousity of a shaggy puli is only exceeded by that of a small child who is always ready for every kind of mischief as he explores the world. The curious puppy of the title is none other than Bikkmakk: a truly naughty little dog who, along with his friends the hedgehog, the frog, the lizard and others, gets to know the secrets of a garden that initially appears to be enchanted. Bikkmakk was born and raised in the garden. To the sound of music, he playfully makes friends with the surrounding nature and finds himself caught up in some great adventures.
Not for the first time at Müpa Budapest, students of the Keleti István Art School will have the chance to present the fruits of their work through the course of the year. The young puppet actors will present Bikkmakk's adventures with the help of the well-known puppeteers Ágnes Török and Károly Szívós, who run the Kereplő Family Theatre. The teachers have helped the young artists to include their own ideas and thoughts in the show, ensuring the production will be fresh, youthful and original. The catchy melodies of the musical puppet theatre for little ones were composed by Szilveszter Bornai and will be performed by Kamilla Borzsák. The children's parents may still recall the adventures of the curious puppy from their own bookshelves at home. Attila Kristóf's popular children's book - which Károly Szívós adapted for the stage - was first published in 1979. The clumsy but very lovable Bikkmakk is a timeless character. In fact, the garden where he and his friends' adventures take place on the top of Rózsadomb is now a protected area. This charming story rich in humour also shows how a small child takes their first, sometimes uncertain steps into the big, wide world.
Age: 3-8 year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
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