The program was cancelled
The program was cancelled
Dear guest,
With consideration for the health of both our visitors and staff, Müpa Budapest will remain closed for the rest of the 2019/20 season. This means that all planned performances have been cancelled up to and including 7 July. Any tickets purchased for events organized by Müpa Budapest will be refunded by Müpa Budapest. Click here for more information about the refunds.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
- Rheinlegendchen ('Little Rhine Legend')
- Das irdische Leben ('The Earthly Life')
- Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen ('Where the Fair Trumpets Sound')
- Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt ('Saint Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish')
Six Mörike-lieder
- Im Frühling ('In Springtime')
- Denk' es, o Seele! ('O Soul, remember this!')
- Wo find ich Trost? ('Where do I find comfort?')
- Das verlassene Mägdlein ('The Forsaken Maiden')
- Verborgenheit ('Hiddenness')
- Gesang Weylas ('Weyla's Song')
Gurre-Lieder - Tauben von Gurre! ('The Wood Dove's Song')
One of the greatest singers of the past few decades and a pivotal Isolde and Kundry of this era, Waltraud Meier has done prominent work on the opera stage both as a mezzo-soprano and as a dramatic soprano. A recurring guest artist in the productions of the Budapest Wagner Days festival, she will not be taking the stage this time in an opera role, but as a recital singer, performing a programme of masterpieces from the genre of German and Austrian lieder alongside her old seasoned partner on piano.
A legendary Carmen and a memorable Leonora (in Fidelio), a Klytaemnestra of extraordinary intensity and a Marie illuminating psychological profundities (in Wozzeck). Ortrud, Venus, Sieglinde and Waltraude, all on a grand scale. Extremely varied roles that share the fact that they have all been superbly sung by Waltraud Meier. Over the course of her career, her artistic trademark became the unyielding perfectionism that consistently came through in her approach to the nuances of the music, her dramatic portrayals of the characters and her pronunciation of the text. This same fastidiousness is evident in the programme for her song recital.
Mahler, Wolf and Schönberg - all composers connected to the inspiration of Wagner's ideas in many ways, whether it be the fullness of the harmonies, the formation of the melodies, the declamatory character of the vocal parts or the devices for creating atmosphere and musical narration. Taking his place among them on this evening will be Wagner himself, along with the sole song cycle of his oeuvre, the Wesendonck-lieder: an extraordinarily personal series whose third and fifth songs are themselves integrally linked to the opera stage - to the music of Tristan und Isolde. The programme for Meier's song recital is a creative work in its own right, one that conveys a message.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.