classical music, opera, theatre
Wagner: Parsifal (excerpts) - concert performance
23 June 2023, Friday
4 pm - 8 pm
Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
Produced by Müpa Budapest
The program was cancelled

We regret to inform our esteemed audience that this performance has been cancelled. Valid tickets can be redeemed until 23 July 2023 via the online felületén previously set up for this purpose or our permanent ticket offices. Alternatively, they can be used to buy tickets for Müpa's own productions according to the face value of the tickets.
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Parsifal - excerpts from acts 1 and 3

What is Parsifal, Wagner's final opera, all about? The Holy Grail? The life of a mysterious order of monks? The struggle for self-understanding of a young man who knows nothing about his own past? Sin and atonement? Redemption? The mystery of Easter? "Enlightenment through compassion?" It's different for everyone, as everyone has their own Parsifal experience. An experience that needs to be renewed - especially when we get the chance to see someone like Stuart Skelton in the title role, Günther Groissböck as Gurnemanz - as well as a spiritually devoted conductor like Ádám Fischer.

Parsifal is especially dear to the Müpa Budapest audience, as it was this work that launched the series of Budapest Wagner Days productions in 2006. This opera, which Wagner defined with an untranslatable term meaning "festival play for the stage", relates the story of a "pure fool". For many years, the composer's family refused to permit it to be performed outside of Bayreuth. Combining in its spirituality Christian and Buddhist teachings together with elements of Schopenhauerian philosophy, it generates sharply different views on how it is to be interpreted. And no wonder, as so many people - from Nietzsche and Hitler to Thomas Mann and Theodor Adorno - have taken a stand on the piece. Müpa Budapest's latest production reveals the details of the masterpiece in concert format, highlighting the details of the music, especially the choruses. The remarkable Australian tenor Stuart Skelton, who sings the title role, is also a returning guest at Müpa Budapest: his convincingly credible Siegfried found its way into many viewer's hearts. In the role of the wise Gurnemanz is an Austrian singer whose formidable appearance puts athletes to shame: the highly versatile Günther Groissböck has all the important bass roles in his repertoire, from Sarastro and Baron Ochs to King Marke and King Philip. Adam Fischer's pure and unrestrainedly natural conducting corresponds to the work itself.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


Ádám Fischer


Amfortas N.N.
Gurnemanz Günther Groissböck
Parsifal Stuart Skelton
Titurel Kolos Kováts


Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Hungarian National Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)
Hungarian Radio Choir (choirmaster: Zoltán Pad)
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