Artistic director and conductor:
Laura Fehér
János Feledi
Ádám Frigy
István Horváth
Zoltán Katonka
Krisztián Kelemen
Richárd Kovács
Katalin Stáry
Brigitta Tóth
Milán Újvári
Dalma Wéninger
Gábor Bartinai
Dóra Bizják
Martin Rajna
The monumental four-night series of music dramas that constitute the Ring of the Nibelung took shape in Richard Wagner’s imagination based on Nordic sagas and Germanic myths. Gods, heroes, giants, dwarves, dragon: even though they all seem so distant, the magic of the Ring lies in the way people of every era can discover the problems of their own lives playing out in the conflicts. The Ring is about us! In June 2024, fans will again be able to experience the wonder of the Great Opus, with international stars on stage and the orchestra conducted by Ádám Fischer, who breathes life into the events of the world-famous Budapest Wagner Days festival.
The first evening relates the story of the fall into sin. In Das Rheingold, not only does Alberich steal the gold from the nymphs of the mythical river, but the chief god, Wotan, also proves his treachery by refusing to pay the giants who built the castle of the gods before obtaining the ring from Alberich with the help of the cunning Loge. This act sets in motion a series of tragic events that we can consider the beginning of the apocalypse, the consequences of a fatal misstep that prefigured the process by which the world would end. This performance’s Wotan, the great Danish bass-baritone Johan Reuter, is an old acquaintance of the Wagner Days audience. We can also welcome back as a dear friend, in the role of Loge, one of the biggest stars of the series, the sparkling German tenor Christian Franz. Jochen Schmeckenbecher’s Alberich and Jürgen Sacher’s Mime promise us scenes rich in conflict. The production’s new Fasolt will be the Belgian bass Tijl Faveyts, with Jongmin Park, who jumped in to sing Hunding at the 2022 Budapest Wagner Days to great acclaim now taking the stage as Fafner. Joining them in this performance conducted by Ádám Fischer will be some wonderful Hungarian singers, such as Zsolt Haja (Donner), Dániel Pataky (Froh), Atala Schöck (Fricka), Lilla Horti (Freia), Erika Gál (Erda), along with Orsolya Sáfár, Gabriella Fodor and Zsófia Kálnay as the three Rhinemaidens.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
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