Admission to Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall is free of charge.
Ágnes Pintér
Judit Dévényi
Márton Komáromi
Lóránt Najbauer
We would like, even during this extraordinary situation, for the Müpa Budapest audience to still be able to encounter the world's most outstanding and thrilling artists each evening - this time in their own homes. It is precisely for this reason that we will open Müpa Budapest's virtual concert hall and auditoriums - each night at the familiar times - by providing access to a single unforgettable performance from past years.
The performance will be broadcasted on our website and YouTube channel.
Throughout his life, Mozart spoke with pride about Idomeneo, which he composed for Munich at the age of twenty-four, and considered one of the acmes of his work as a composer. Featuring the guest performance of two international stars, Mexican Ramón Vargas and Russian Margarita Gritskova, the production promises some truly sublime moments.
Electra, a role delineated with strong dramatic and musical touches, is sung by Serena Farnocchia, who plays lead roles in the most famous opera houses, and won the Luciano Pavarotti Singing Competition. Ilia is sung by Emőke Baráth, the young Hungarian soprano who is going from strength to strength in the international scene. Mozart's own contemporaries were almost unanimously rapturous about Idomeneo: 'eyes were filled with tears of joy and pleasure,” and the musicians of the premiere all agreed it was 'the most beautiful music they had heard, new and peculiar.”
This recording was made at a concert held at Müpa Budapest on 10 April 2016.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest