one interval
J. S. Bach
Fantasia in C minor, BWV 562
J. S. Bach
Trio Sonata in G major, BWV 530
Two Etudes for Organ - Harmonies, Coulée
J. S. Bach
Fantasia or Pièce d'Orgue in G major, BWV 572
László Fassang
Improvisations on the themes from Ligeti's piano cycle, Musica Ricercata
Recercar Cromaticho post il Credo
Ricercare - Omaggio a Frescobaldi
Hungarian Rock
László Fassang
Improvisation to the Chaconne theme from Hungarian Rock
László Fassang's organ recital promises to be an exciting event of the Ligeti Centenary, treating the audience not only to the sounds of Müpa Budapest's world-famous organ, but also featuring the Hammond organ, MIDI organ and the piano. The music is accompanied by light painting, prompting a multitude of visual associations. The selected pieces by Bach and Frescobaldi, juxtaposed with the works of Hungarian composers, not only create a stylistic contrast, but are thought to have influenced György Ligeti's way of thinking.
"It was, on the one hand, the incredible richness of its still unexplored tonal possibilities and, on the other (more importantly), its deficiencies - its inadequacy, its rigidity and angularity - that interested me. This instrument is like a gigantic prosthesis. It excited me to figure out how to walk again using this prosthesis.” These were the words of György Ligeti when writing about his famous organ piece Volumina. When using the word prosthesis, he did not mean that the image of those black and white keys reminded him of a gigantic set of dentures (although using such a frightening reference would not be surprising from the grotesque-loving composer of Le Grand Macabre), instead he referred to motion and walking. László Fassang takes us on a journey into Ligeti's world. He plays some of his pieces, as well as Bach and Frescobaldi compositions which Ligeti was inspired by, while the second part of the recital will include improvisations on Ligeti's themes, accompanied by the masters of light painting, Dániel Besnyő and Patrik Kiss, whose luminescent show combines constraints with freedom, generating an endless flow of associations. The two parts of the concert are each a large, coherent composition that mobilise the audience's senses and intellect.
The concert will be preceded from 6.30 pm by an introductory presentation in Hungarian entitled Prologue, by musicologist Gergely Fazekas, where concert ticket holders will be invited to get to know the performing musicians and the works to be performed more closely.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.