Ninagram formed two years ago and consists of current students and graduates of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. Group founder Sára Nina Horváth was raised on folk music, but quickly found herself pulled into the world of jazz when she discovered the work of legendary singer Nina Simone, whose influence even prompted Horváth to name her project Ninajazz, before later changing it to Ninagram. The wordplay in the name Ninagram reflects both Nina Simone's musical legacy and performance style, while the idea of the pentagram represents the number of musicians in the group. The five-pointed star has been a mystical symbol of completeness for millennia - which different religions have imbued with different meanings (for example, the five elements, the five senses, the symbol of Venus) - and which in the case of Ninagram is intended to express an aspiration to achieve a musical whole.
The group is currently at work on its first album, entitled Round, with the aim of developing a unique sound and musical character and style. Their ambition is to create a musical texture of complexity and dynamism held together by the band members' common interests and ideas, and which in turn come alive through each member's unique personalities. The line-up accentuates the dynamic side of jazz, bringing to life a broad spectrum of different shadings of sound.
Presented by: Palace of Arts

Vigyázz, kész, rajt: pénteken startol a Jazz Showcase!
Készülj velünk és az idei fellépők legjobb dalaiból összeállított Spotify-listánk a feburár 8án induló háromnapos jazzmaratonra.

Ötévesen zenét komponált, ma a jazz és a barokk sem áll távol tőle
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Dióhéjban az improvizáció történetéről
Az improvizáció a művészi szabadság legmagasabb rendű megnyilvánulása, amelyekben a zenész saját ihletéből, spontán módon, a lehető legkevesebb kötöttség nyomása alatt alakítja a zenét.
We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.