The Hungarian Folk Ensemble's exciting premiere production presents Christmas Eve, the Christmas vigil and the joy and excitement of waiting, the games and traditions of folk origins and the Christian tradition of welcoming the birth of Jesus, as well as the fairytale-like, magical stories which have developed around this day. The audience will have the chance to live through the joyful moments of the last day of advent, from early morning to late evening, from the magical creation of snow by the fairies at dawn to the secret meeting of the snowmen, the preparation of magical honey-scented Christmas foods and the ceremony of setting up and decorating the Christmas tree.
With no little humour, the emboldened horses pulling a sleigh, the fierce snowball battles and the paired ice dancers make up the Nativity procession, one of the most popular mystery plays of the Christmas period, where all participants in this magical journey come together at the end of the performance to experience together sincere joy at the arrival of the Redeemer, the incarnation of the Son of God.
The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's advent dance drama in seven parts (Hótündérek tánca; Csusszan a szánkó; HTT - Hóemberek Titkos Találkozója; Csilingelő lovas szán; Süssünk, süssünk valamit; Szabad-e bejönni ide betlehemmel?; Jaj, de szép a karácsonyfa) create a genuine festive atmosphere, bringing us closer to the secrets of Christmas and reminding us of that childhood joy of anticipation. This performance is recommended for families.
The concert will include an excerpt from the poem Hóhullásban (In Snowfall) by Anna T. Szabó.
The première was a co-production of Müpa Budapest, Hungarian State Folk Ensemble and the Hungarian Heritage House.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
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