Many years after making their name in the 2010s with a series of music videos and pop hits – Monte Carlo and London were two of the most-played songs on Petőfi Radio – Bermuda have produced their first full-length album. Journey by Moonlight (Utas és holdvilág) is a unique undertaking, a “novelistic album” based on Antal Szerb’s book of the same title that largely follows the form of a film soundtrack. But how much do we know about the writer of the novel, who died at such a tragically young age? This concert, which marks the 80th anniversary of the author’s death, will feature songs from Bermuda’s album Utas és holdvilág, together with reorchestrated versions of the band’s own compositions: for one night only, through the use of the writer’s letters and diary excerpts, Bermuda will seek to bring us closer to a timeless citizen of Europe, a daydreaming Budapest teacher and a brilliantly cultivated social figure: Antal Szerb.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

Emléktáblát avattak Szerb Antal halálának 80. évfordulóján
A Torockó utca 6/b alatti ház falára zenészek kezdeményezésére került fel a plakett.

„Vállalható popzenét akartunk csinálni”
A Bermuda legutóbb egy albummal jelentkezett, Szerb Antal Utas és holdvilág című regényét zenésítették meg, ennek apropóján beszélgettünk a zenekar egyik „felével”, Urbán Dániellel.
We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.