Ticket prices
2 000 - 4 000 HUF
The discounts of the Müpa+ membership programme will be applied for this performance, and we also credit membership points.

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Dezső Ránki
Fülöp Ránki
Tasso: lamento e trionfo – arrangement for four hands by the composer
Orpheus – arrangement for four hands by the composer
Festklänge – arrangement for four hands by the composer
Barnabás Dukay
The Stars on a Moonless Night (canon motets for three pianos) – 2nd part – Pre-Dawn Version
Barnabás Dukay
Transience and Immortality – A Radiant Smile in a Teardrop (canons in memory of Johann Sebastian Bach – for three pianos)
1., The Canon of the Moon in É, with a Soggetto; 2., The Canon of the Sun in F
Every family has their own special favourites, whether it’s a question of films, food or music. One of the shared loves of the Ránki-Klukon family is the oeuvre of Franz Liszt. The artist couple of Edit Klukon and Dezső Ránki, as well as their son, Fülöp Ránki, have always had a special place in their hearts for the Hungarian composer’s works and made them – especially his arrangements of symphonic poems for four hands – a cornerstone of their careers together as performers. Liszt composed the two-piano versions of his works at the same time he scored them for orchestra, and later also recast them in four-handed form. After hearing this arrangements in various configurations, we will gain some exposure to the works for three pianos by Barnabás Dukay, whose pieces, bordering on the transcendental, maintain a close dialogue with Liszt’s own compositions.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

„A minőségi kultúra az életminőséget is javítja"
Húsz év emberi léptékkel mérve nagy idő, de hogyan látja az eltelt időszakot Káel Csaba, aki vezérigazgatóként 2011 óta áll a Müpa élén, ám kapcsolata az intézménnyel még ennél is régebbre nyúlik vissza?
Közös az út
A Müpa első számú rezidens zenekarának, a Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar főzeneigazgatója, Vashegyi György emlékekről, élményekről és tervekről is mesélt a jubileum kapcsán.

A helyi érték - 20 éve egy fedél alatt a Ludwig Múzeum és a Müpa
Müpa épületében 2005 óta működő Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum nemzetközi viszonylatban is jelentős kollekcióval bír .
You may purchase tickets online and in person for this performance using a Müpa Budapest gift voucher or by OTP, K&H or MBH SZÉP cards. If you purchase the tickets in person, then we also accept Rewin Gift Vouchers, and Rewin Gift Cards as well as the culture subaccount allowance on OTP Cafeteria cards.
We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.
Dear Visitors, please note that only tickets purchased from the Müpa website and official ticket offices are guaranteed to be valid. To avoid possible inconvenience, we suggest buying tickets to our performances and concerts via the mupa.hu website, the Interticket national network (jegy.hu) or at our official ticket offices.