family and youth events
The Flavours of Europe – Italian Specialities
23 March 2025, Sunday
11 am - 1 pm
Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
Produced by Müpa Budapest
Matinée Concerts

Ticket prices

3 000 HUF

Platinum level members of the Müpa+ membership programme can buy tickets for the event on 1 October from 10 am, at the Gold level on 2 October from 10 am, and at the Silver level on 2 October from 2 pm. The Basic level, as well as the members of the general public will get the opportunity to purchase tickets from 10 am on 3 October.


Nabucco – overture – Starter


Cavalleria rusticana – Intermezzo – Main course


Don Pasquale – “Cheti, cheti immantinente” (Rapid duet of Malatesta and Don Pasquale, Act 3) – Dessert

According to one anecdote, Rossini cried three times in his life, and one of these was due to a turkey stuffed with truffles falling into the water. Is this tale all we have to say about the relationship between Italian music and food? Of course not! Instead of heavy carbohydrates (and Rossini), the concert programme will focus on the Mediterranean diet, providing nutrition for both the body and soul. For the starter, we have Nabucco (just the overture, of course), which in 1842 managed to bring Verdi nothing less than long-awaited worldwide fame. A more rustic main course comes from the Cavalleria rusticana – represented by the much-loved Intermezzo – which takes us on a journey through the countryside and helped Mascagni write his name into the history of opera. For dessert, the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra will serve up a large portion of good cheer from the confectionery of Donizetti.

Age: 10-14 year

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


Kálmán Szennai


voice N.N., Szilveszter Szélpál
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
moderator Szilveszter Szélpál
  • You may purchase tickets online and in person for this performance using a Müpa Budapest gift voucher or by OTP, K&H or MBH SZÉP cards. If you purchase the tickets in person, then we also accept Rewin Gift Vouchers, and Rewin Gift Cards as well as the culture subaccount allowance on OTP Cafeteria cards.

  • We wish to inform you that in the event that Müpa Budapest's underground garage and outdoor car park are operating at full capacity, it is advisable to plan for increased waiting times when you arrive. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you depart for our events in time, so that you you can find the ideal parking spot quickly and smoothly and arrive for our performance in comfort. The Müpa Budapest underground garage gates will be operated by an automatic number plate recognition system. Parking is free of charge for visitors with tickets to any of our paid performances on that given day. The detailed parking policy of Müpa Budapest is available here.

  • Dear Visitors, please note that only tickets purchased from the Müpa website and official ticket offices are guaranteed to be valid. To avoid possible inconvenience, we suggest buying tickets to our performances and concerts via the mupa.hu website, the Interticket national network (jegy.hu) or at our official ticket offices.

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