Palace of Arts Photo and Video Contest Launched

2014. March 10.

Photo and Video Contest

Once again this year, the Palace of Arts announces its Photo and Video Contest, this time for all secondary school, university and college students in Hungary

Start of submission (uploading) of entries: 10 March 2014, 00:00 AM
Deadline for submission (uploading) of entries: 20 April 2014, midnight
Open forum with the members of the panel of judges: 31 March 2014, 5 PM, Palace of Arts


Contest entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges.

Chair of the panel:
Péter Korniss – Kossuth and Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, press photographer

Members of the panel include:
Csaba Káel – film director, General Manager of Palace of Arts
Tamás Lajos – cameraman, lecturer at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest
András Réz - film aesthete, advertising professional
Gábor Egri – Director of Sales and Marketing, Palace of Arts
Wanda Martin – Photo Series category winner, Photo and Video category Audience Award winner (2013)

Sponsored by Fujifilm Magyarország Kft., the Palace of Arts will award one 1st, one 2nd, and one 3rd prize each in the photo, photo series and video clip categories.
The panel will have the right to transfer an outstanding image from a photo series to the individual category, and to not award a prize.

For more information please visit: