Information regarding Müpa Budapest's new health safety measures

2020. November 06.

Dear Audience, 

Pursuant to the decision of the government of Hungary and in line with new measures being taken in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, Müpa Budapest will continue to operate according to the strict safety regulations already introduced, with new rules also being added.

The health and safety of our audience, artists and employees is of paramount importance to us, and we would like to once again thank you, our visitors, for the flexibility, exceptional care and support you have demonstrated. We are proud that Müpa Budapest has such wonderful audience members, who pay attention to and watch out for each other!

While Müpa Budapest has taken great care to assure social distancing in recent months, we would like to inform you that, based on the newest government measures, starting on 4 November, a distance of at least 1.5 metres must be maintained between people anywhere in the building. Furthermore, starting from the same date and in line with the guidelines, our audience members may take seats in our auditoriums only singly, in a chessboard-like distribution – leaving two empty seats between themselves and the next occupied seats in their row

This extraordinary situation entails tremendous uncertainty and demands great flexibility from all of us. We are doing everything in our power to find the most ideal and reassuring possible solutions for our audience members. So while it is therefore currently not possible to purchase tickets, we are still counting on you, and for the period lasting until 31 December 2020, we have introduced a new option: you can currently request a notification about when ticket sales for the productions that interest you are commencing, which also provides you with an option to pre-purchase tickets on the day of the performance.  In this way, we are hoping to assure that tickets will only go on sale for productions that appear like they will actually take place.

Naturally, it shall remain mandatory for everyone to wear a mask covering both the nose and mouth while anywhere inside the Müpa Budapest building – including the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall and the Festival Theatre. For more detailed information on our additional safety measures, click here or have a look at our House Rules.

If owing to the current regulations or for health reasons you prefer not to go out in public, you can return your tickets on the online interface already set up for this purpose and request refunds for the price of subscription performances by clicking here. If you notice that you are showing flu-like symptoms, or if you suspect that you might be infected by the virus, please do not visit Müpa Budapest. Instead, in order to recover as quickly as possible, please stay at home.

In the event that you already have a purchased concert ticket, we especially ask you to please check our website and our Facebook site, where we share all the fresh information you need in relation to that day's performance and what you need to do before it starts.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to welcoming you at Müpa Budapest!