Gift Christmas tree from sleighs

2013. December 09.

This year, the Palace of Arts is celebrating with an 11 m tall Christmas tree made of 365 sleighs, giving Budapest another ornament not just by day, but also by night. Hello Wood’s special installation will be on display in front of Müpa until Epiphany, when the sleighs will be donated to the SOS Children’s Village with the help of Telekom.

This year, the Palace of Arts awaits visitors with a special Christmas surprise. It took the Hello Wood staff an entire week to set up the 11 m high Christmas tree made up of 365 sleighs fixed onto an wooden structure in front of the building, and visitors are also able to enter this exciting structure to have a look around inside. Selecting this particular creative group was no coincidence on the institution’s part, as it considers the supporting of innovation one of its strategic objectives, and this installation programme adapted to the various seasons, which allows young fine and applied artists to make their debut at the Müpa, is a crucial component of this support. This time around, the Christmas installation is more than just simple decoration as thanks to Telekom, after 6 January, the sleighs will be donated to the SOS Children’s Village to make the everyday lives of resident children even happier with this belated Christmas present. Iván Rózsa, the company’s Director of Communication, said, “This initiative is a fine example of innovation and corporate social responsibility as the sleighs will be given to children who never experience the joy of exchanging gifts.” At the tree inauguration ceremony, Csaba Káel, General Manager of the Palace of Arts, added, “We felt it was important for the tree in front of the building to convey a message to visitors about the joy of exchanging gifts in the festive period.” The sleighs will make the everyday lives of 365 children happier after 6 January.

Time-lapse video on the sleigh tree’s set-up